Saturday, February 18, 2012

Why Confess?

Why go behind the scenes of the pretty picture that comes to mind when you see someone as a "Nice Girl"? Why share the day-to-day experience of being a nice girl and risk messing with that neat little picture?

1. About a year ago I was introduced to the Single Dad Laughing blog ( I already followed several family member's blogs, but I loved how SDL shared what fun thing he did over the weekend AND went way deeper. Waaaaay, way deeper. Dan posts about whatever is on his mind, silly or deep or upset or apologetic. He uses it to make the world a better place, share what is important to him, plant ideas, be real. I realized I really wanted to do the same thing, but couldn't find a theme or name I liked and was in over my head with my junior year of high school. Thus it was shunted back on my priority list.
2. A month ago at a Christmas party a few friends and I (these friends also are commonly labeled "nice girls" or "good girls") started talking about all the things people assume about us that aren't true! Filled with the festive merriment we were, we began scheming that we'd write a book called Confessions of a Nice Girl and then build a brand empire of TV shows and clothing! Through the laughter I realized that nice girls get into a lot of the same situations, so why don't we get together and help support each other more often?
3. Over Christmas Break I watched an episode of America's Next Top Model where the models had to pick the word people had called them that hurt them most. Naturally that got me thinking about what word I would've chosen. My word? Fake. I am not perfect, but it makes me so sad that there are people who just don't understand that there really are people in the world who are genuinely happy, nice, and want do the right thing! Or, who view nice people as a threat. :(

Within the next 24 hours my subconscious had merged all three experiences into this, my opportunity to let you into a nice girl's head! Ready for an adventure? I am! :)


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