1. My nose wiggles when I eat.
2. I hate when people say "YOLO".
3. Wet paper makes me gag.
4. I can want to believe a promise someone's making until they make it a timeless promise with a phrase like "with my life" or "as long as the sun rises" or "I'll never [fill in the blank]". Then I'm out. Know your limitations.
5. Sparkles legitimately do distract me.
6. Somehow, playing the piano feels like eating a great chocolate cake to me a lot of the time.
7. I haven't played the piano all semester.
8. I am wonderful at cleaning and terrible at maintaining it for any amount of time.
9. I tend towards being an all-or-nothing person.
10. I love Jack's "Rose, you're no picnic, all right? You're a spoiled little brat, even. . ." speech in Titanic.
11. I really love Titanic.
12. I analyze people's body proportions and facial features. Like, all the time. Its a hobby.
13. I am constantly thinking. And I tend to think about things to death. And if I don't, it probably means I actually NEED to think about them.
14. I feel like yelling a lot more than I ever do.
15. I heavily filter pretty much everything I say.
16. I can be honest to a fault, and sometimes too late.
17. Chipped nail polish drives me crazy.
18. At my core I am probably the most idealistic person you have ever met.
19. Writing this I'm afraid I'm coming across like a 12-year old (there is nothing wrong with 12-year olds besides the fact that I'm not one, as a disclaimer), but I feel they're things I need to say.
20. I've struggled with an Eating Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified. (Most people have never heard of it. Look it up in the DSM-IV.)
21. I write when my brain is too full. Therefore, I probably pretty much always sound like a manic person on this blog. I promise I'm not!
22. I never really felt like I fit in in high school. At church and Miss Hometown? Yes. But not at school.
23. I have PMS-Pissed at Men Syndrome. But I know you guys are amazing and so many of you try so hard and don't deserve that, so please know I am working hard to get through it.
24. I don't like guys to tell me I'm pretty, especially right off the bat. I'd much rather be shown you think I'm a worthwhile, interesting, intelligent, dynamic human being than be told I'm pretty. So thanks in advance. :)
25. I LOVE people. Like, to a socially unacceptable extent. It would majorly weird people out if I genuinely told people all the good I see in them and how much I love them and how happy I am that they exist.
26. I made my first chocolate bundt cake yesterday, on a whim.
27. Blogger doesn't recognize bundt as a word.
28. I miss driving a lot.
29. In the past calender year I've really begun to learn what its like to really depend on Christ as my friend and Heavenly Father as my loving, involved, forgiving parent.
30. These days I let my age hold me back more than anyone else holds me back for my age.
31. I love Jillian Michaels.
32. I only KIND OF understand the usefulness of iPads. I'm getting there.
33. Every single thing in Taylor Swift's Fearless CD prologue I have experienced. Except for starting high school at fifteen. I did that at thirteen.
34. The strongest love I've been in I fell into when I was twelve years old.
35. Everyone's capacity to love is different and it changes as life continues. Just because being in love wouldn't look the same for me now as it did then doesn't mean what I felt then wasn't love.
36. Clicky EXPO markers-you know, the kind that don't have a cap and you just click them?-are SO. AWESOME.
37. Eating goldfish crackers gives me hiccups.
38. I've always preferred even numbers. But I kind of like prime numbers too.
39. I have a terrible memory for details. I remember things by emotion.
40. My thought processes are like a giant spider web.
41. I prefer music to be so loud I can feel it. You know what I mean!
42. I'm jealous of people who go to concerts.
43. Komodo dragons fascinate me.
44. Ewoks are definitely my favorite fictional creature. Sorry, unicorns.
45. It really annoys me when people hate on things just because they're super popular. Be able to intelligently articulate why you don't like something, please.
46. I've never come across a roller coaster that was too intense for me. X2 at Magic Mountain almost made me cry with how amazing it was, though.
47. My family is not sporty, at all. I really wish I knew more about the sports world, and thank heavens my roommate Meghan is the most sport-knowledgeable female I have ever met!
48. Everyone thinks I'd be that girl who LOVES Glee. The precise reasons people think I'd love it are actually the reasons I find it highly distasteful.
49. Every guy I was genuinely attracted to in the Netherlands was gay. Whaaat???
50. I'm a chocolate and fruit snob. I know my good chocolate and fruit.
51. I have very mixed feelings about big families.
52. I know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is Christ's restored church here on earth. I KNOW that.
53. I far prefer sunrises to sunsets. Sunsets just make me think of all the things that day I've lost or done wrong and won't ever get back, but sunrises remind me that today is a new day and no matter what goes wonderfully wrong or wonderfully terrible today, there will still be another one tomorrow.
54. I hate being in unclear water that's too deep for my feet to touch the bottom and head to be above water at the same time.
55. I honestly don't think I'm cut out for surfing.
56. I broke somebody's heart recently. And I miss him a lot even though I don't for a second regret my decision.
57. My mom and I are pretty much opposites. . . except physically we're the most alike in the family.
58. People with irrational fears that socially inhibit them really annoy me.
59. http://www.danoah.com/2010/10/worthless-women-and-men-who-make-them.html/4
If my blog EVER makes as much of an impact as these two posts have. . . . .
60. Here's my political thought process-there are things in both parties I don't know or understand, but there are things in my own life that I do know and understand. One of them is family first, and that I believe that ultimately it will be the family break down that ruins society. So I choose to support the party that tries to uphold the most sacred familial rights I believe in.
61. I love pink. And blue. And yellow. The power of red fascinates me as well as the symbolism of green and white.
62. Every time I go to the temple I feel like my spirit is going home. Because it is.
63. One of the best decisions of my life, taken from parents, is to have someone take notes or if possible record and then transcribe every Priesthood blessing I get.
64. I'm really afraid of being bossy becaussse that's what I was when I was little.
65. The word people have called me that has hurt the most is "fake".
66. Eyelash extensions are my beauty addiction.
67. I've never had a pedicure.
68. I have no idea how or when to finish this post.
69. When I go back home or before important events I'll still go out to the back hidden corner of my yard where my first dog is buried and tear up a little.
70. I'm the shortest person in my family.
71. I love mornings, but I also love staying up late.
72. I have terrible knees and feet.
73. Someday, I am going to dye my hair brown. Someday.
74. I had a high school bucket list, and now have a college and life bucket list.
75. I know I am good at saying sorry.
76. Sometimes as the middle child I do feel looked over. But there are also some great perks to being the middle child. I get to learn from my older siblings and still teach my younger siblings!
77. There are still days I feel like purging, but it doesn't scare me. I know that demon well enough that I can roll my eyes and tackle it every time. It only emotionally gets to me when its really constant.
78. I know there are angels always around us, always around me.
79. I know who I am and that I am loved, a lot, but man have I got to fight to remember it.
80. I love my hair, my eyes, my smile, and my cheekbones.
81. I have extremely unique hands.
82. I have read A LOT of books on marriage and parenting.
83. I don't know when or how to end this.
84. Sunshine and my summer is my natural state of being. Truly.
85. I enjoy getting really excited over little things.
86. I LOVE nice people!!
87. Yes, performing makes me super nervous. But I do it anyway because I absolutely love it and I know that as soon as I step out on the that stage aaaaall of the nerves will be totally worth it.
88. I like to push boundaries, and always have. I believe in calculated rebellion.
89. I miss Mexican food a lot. And I love steak and cheesecake.
90. The right sharpness of cheddar cheese always gives me major flashbacks to the house I lived in from when I was 1 to 3 years old, and I have no clue why.
91. Pessimistic people seriously get on my nerves.
92. I smile a lot because I genuinely mean it, but I recently discovered I also sometimes automatically smile when something upsets me.
93. Smiles have a power that I strongly believe in.
94. I love being sore.
95. Hot chocolate makes me sleepy.
96. What's the problem with eating whipped cream right out of the can as long as your mouth doesn't touch the spout?
97. I really adore footie pajamas.
98. I am a very messy eater. I try really hard not to be in the right situations, though.
99. Salty or sweet? Both, please! Preferably with some protein or fat thrown in as well!
2. I hate when people say "YOLO".
3. Wet paper makes me gag.
4. I can want to believe a promise someone's making until they make it a timeless promise with a phrase like "with my life" or "as long as the sun rises" or "I'll never [fill in the blank]". Then I'm out. Know your limitations.
5. Sparkles legitimately do distract me.
6. Somehow, playing the piano feels like eating a great chocolate cake to me a lot of the time.
7. I haven't played the piano all semester.
8. I am wonderful at cleaning and terrible at maintaining it for any amount of time.
9. I tend towards being an all-or-nothing person.
10. I love Jack's "Rose, you're no picnic, all right? You're a spoiled little brat, even. . ." speech in Titanic.
11. I really love Titanic.
12. I analyze people's body proportions and facial features. Like, all the time. Its a hobby.
13. I am constantly thinking. And I tend to think about things to death. And if I don't, it probably means I actually NEED to think about them.
14. I feel like yelling a lot more than I ever do.
15. I heavily filter pretty much everything I say.
16. I can be honest to a fault, and sometimes too late.
17. Chipped nail polish drives me crazy.
18. At my core I am probably the most idealistic person you have ever met.
19. Writing this I'm afraid I'm coming across like a 12-year old (there is nothing wrong with 12-year olds besides the fact that I'm not one, as a disclaimer), but I feel they're things I need to say.
20. I've struggled with an Eating Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified. (Most people have never heard of it. Look it up in the DSM-IV.)
21. I write when my brain is too full. Therefore, I probably pretty much always sound like a manic person on this blog. I promise I'm not!
22. I never really felt like I fit in in high school. At church and Miss Hometown? Yes. But not at school.
23. I have PMS-Pissed at Men Syndrome. But I know you guys are amazing and so many of you try so hard and don't deserve that, so please know I am working hard to get through it.
24. I don't like guys to tell me I'm pretty, especially right off the bat. I'd much rather be shown you think I'm a worthwhile, interesting, intelligent, dynamic human being than be told I'm pretty. So thanks in advance. :)
25. I LOVE people. Like, to a socially unacceptable extent. It would majorly weird people out if I genuinely told people all the good I see in them and how much I love them and how happy I am that they exist.
26. I made my first chocolate bundt cake yesterday, on a whim.
27. Blogger doesn't recognize bundt as a word.
28. I miss driving a lot.
29. In the past calender year I've really begun to learn what its like to really depend on Christ as my friend and Heavenly Father as my loving, involved, forgiving parent.
30. These days I let my age hold me back more than anyone else holds me back for my age.
31. I love Jillian Michaels.
32. I only KIND OF understand the usefulness of iPads. I'm getting there.
33. Every single thing in Taylor Swift's Fearless CD prologue I have experienced. Except for starting high school at fifteen. I did that at thirteen.
34. The strongest love I've been in I fell into when I was twelve years old.
35. Everyone's capacity to love is different and it changes as life continues. Just because being in love wouldn't look the same for me now as it did then doesn't mean what I felt then wasn't love.
36. Clicky EXPO markers-you know, the kind that don't have a cap and you just click them?-are SO. AWESOME.
37. Eating goldfish crackers gives me hiccups.
38. I've always preferred even numbers. But I kind of like prime numbers too.
39. I have a terrible memory for details. I remember things by emotion.
40. My thought processes are like a giant spider web.
41. I prefer music to be so loud I can feel it. You know what I mean!
42. I'm jealous of people who go to concerts.
43. Komodo dragons fascinate me.
44. Ewoks are definitely my favorite fictional creature. Sorry, unicorns.
45. It really annoys me when people hate on things just because they're super popular. Be able to intelligently articulate why you don't like something, please.
46. I've never come across a roller coaster that was too intense for me. X2 at Magic Mountain almost made me cry with how amazing it was, though.
47. My family is not sporty, at all. I really wish I knew more about the sports world, and thank heavens my roommate Meghan is the most sport-knowledgeable female I have ever met!
48. Everyone thinks I'd be that girl who LOVES Glee. The precise reasons people think I'd love it are actually the reasons I find it highly distasteful.
49. Every guy I was genuinely attracted to in the Netherlands was gay. Whaaat???
50. I'm a chocolate and fruit snob. I know my good chocolate and fruit.
51. I have very mixed feelings about big families.
52. I know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is Christ's restored church here on earth. I KNOW that.
53. I far prefer sunrises to sunsets. Sunsets just make me think of all the things that day I've lost or done wrong and won't ever get back, but sunrises remind me that today is a new day and no matter what goes wonderfully wrong or wonderfully terrible today, there will still be another one tomorrow.
54. I hate being in unclear water that's too deep for my feet to touch the bottom and head to be above water at the same time.
55. I honestly don't think I'm cut out for surfing.
56. I broke somebody's heart recently. And I miss him a lot even though I don't for a second regret my decision.
57. My mom and I are pretty much opposites. . . except physically we're the most alike in the family.
58. People with irrational fears that socially inhibit them really annoy me.
59. http://www.danoah.com/2010/10/worthless-women-and-men-who-make-them.html/4
If my blog EVER makes as much of an impact as these two posts have. . . . .
60. Here's my political thought process-there are things in both parties I don't know or understand, but there are things in my own life that I do know and understand. One of them is family first, and that I believe that ultimately it will be the family break down that ruins society. So I choose to support the party that tries to uphold the most sacred familial rights I believe in.
61. I love pink. And blue. And yellow. The power of red fascinates me as well as the symbolism of green and white.
62. Every time I go to the temple I feel like my spirit is going home. Because it is.
63. One of the best decisions of my life, taken from parents, is to have someone take notes or if possible record and then transcribe every Priesthood blessing I get.
64. I'm really afraid of being bossy becaussse that's what I was when I was little.
65. The word people have called me that has hurt the most is "fake".
66. Eyelash extensions are my beauty addiction.
67. I've never had a pedicure.
68. I have no idea how or when to finish this post.
69. When I go back home or before important events I'll still go out to the back hidden corner of my yard where my first dog is buried and tear up a little.
70. I'm the shortest person in my family.
71. I love mornings, but I also love staying up late.
72. I have terrible knees and feet.
73. Someday, I am going to dye my hair brown. Someday.
74. I had a high school bucket list, and now have a college and life bucket list.
75. I know I am good at saying sorry.
76. Sometimes as the middle child I do feel looked over. But there are also some great perks to being the middle child. I get to learn from my older siblings and still teach my younger siblings!
77. There are still days I feel like purging, but it doesn't scare me. I know that demon well enough that I can roll my eyes and tackle it every time. It only emotionally gets to me when its really constant.
78. I know there are angels always around us, always around me.
79. I know who I am and that I am loved, a lot, but man have I got to fight to remember it.
80. I love my hair, my eyes, my smile, and my cheekbones.
81. I have extremely unique hands.
82. I have read A LOT of books on marriage and parenting.
83. I don't know when or how to end this.
84. Sunshine and my summer is my natural state of being. Truly.
85. I enjoy getting really excited over little things.
86. I LOVE nice people!!
87. Yes, performing makes me super nervous. But I do it anyway because I absolutely love it and I know that as soon as I step out on the that stage aaaaall of the nerves will be totally worth it.
88. I like to push boundaries, and always have. I believe in calculated rebellion.
89. I miss Mexican food a lot. And I love steak and cheesecake.
90. The right sharpness of cheddar cheese always gives me major flashbacks to the house I lived in from when I was 1 to 3 years old, and I have no clue why.
91. Pessimistic people seriously get on my nerves.
92. I smile a lot because I genuinely mean it, but I recently discovered I also sometimes automatically smile when something upsets me.
93. Smiles have a power that I strongly believe in.
94. I love being sore.
95. Hot chocolate makes me sleepy.
96. What's the problem with eating whipped cream right out of the can as long as your mouth doesn't touch the spout?
97. I really adore footie pajamas.
98. I am a very messy eater. I try really hard not to be in the right situations, though.
99. Salty or sweet? Both, please! Preferably with some protein or fat thrown in as well!
I love you
ReplyDeleteThis list is great! And very random. And insightful. And funny. What inspired you to stop at 96? I love whipped cream right out of the can! And I love you!
ReplyDeleteIt won't stop at 96, I'm going to keep adding to it! I can edit things after I publish them. Thank you so much. :) I didn't know you liked whipped cream out of the can!
ReplyDeleteThis was FANTASTIC. I think I shall write one too. You've inspired me Miss Grace!
ReplyDeleteI love you so much, Grace. :)
ReplyDeleteI love your's, Azya! What a coinquidinc Mercy, I love you so much too. :)
ReplyDeleteDefinitely inspired me to do this too!! As much as I know about you, I don't!! What a pleasure it has been getting to know you, and I hope to more as winter semester carries on. Love you sweet Grace!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to read your's! Thank you Nat, you are just an inspiration to me in general and there are so many things I admire you for and hope to learn from you the rest of the year. I love you!
ReplyDeleteFunny story, I agree with somewhere around 90 out of the 99 confessions. And I feel like people would be weirded out by how much I like them, too... I think you are wonderful, Grace!
ReplyDeleteI really like number 32 and 33. ;)
ReplyDeleteAbout 73 - NO!!! Stay beautifully blonde forever!
About 76 - Seriously, Grace?? People are always paying you so much attention even though you are the middle kid. You're pretty, talented, out-going, talkative, charming; what more could people want in a middle child?