Thursday, October 18, 2012

An off day in a not-so-positive direction, but not bad either

So as I'm starting my makeup this morning I see that I have a missed call from Aloe (one of my roommates). Well, she told me the bus I take to school wasn't running because of construction or something like that, so that threw my whole morning off. I was feeling off anyways; I've had some heavy personal stuff on my mind since last night, and homesickness as hit me the past few weeks more than usual.

I barely had enough cash to pay for a shuttle fare, and felt kind of out of place, wishing I had gotten the shuttle pass instead of the bus pass simply because the atmospheres are so different (the shuttle's is friendlier and more comradely). Renee, a girl in my ward and building who I've had some good conversations with, sat by me and said hello and we talked briefly about the weather-cliché I know-but the point is she was nice.  David, one of my home evening brothers, said hello as he got on, but I was mostly just in myself, staring off at nothing. After getting off the bus, David was like, "Hey Grace! How are ya?" and we talked as we walked to class. He put in his mission papers last night! That made me smile from the inside out.  We talked about how well he did on his mission prep mid term and how great my Book of Mormon teacher is. Someone else in our ward, Jordan, joined us and once David left Jordan and I talked briefly and then all of a sudden my wonderful neighbor Janalee was saying hello!

We talked about how its been hard for her the past few weeks, with so many amazing girls putting in their papers and her wanting to go but feeling she should wait at least until May. That triggered my sympathy, because aspects of the missionary age change and not knowing where I'm supposed to point my life has been rough for me too. I was grateful she shared that with me, even though it was a 2 minute conversation with people streaming past both ways. It reminded me that I'm not the only one having direction issues, and that if she's as wonderful and pure a girl as she is and still doesn't have clear answers, maybe there isn't something wrong with me that I don't either.

I got to jazz class and realized this morning that instead of grabbing my black workout shorts, I'd grabbed a black shirt.  I'd already taken my observation day out of necessity and even though we're only allowed 2 absences without it affecting our grade, I can't do piques with jeans on! So I went to the library to catch up on Psych reading, but half an hour in the urge to fall asleep was so strong I decided to take an early lunch. Unfortunately, there just barely wasn't enough time to grab a power nap!

Strangers have gone out of their way to hold the door open for me, complimented me on the color I'm wearing, and invited me to eat lunch with them (unfortunately I had class, so I had to decline). No one's been mean or inconsiderate towards me. I'm still feeling off.

 I've called both my parents and two of my best friends just to tell them I love them and that they're great, held the door open for others, and smiled at strangers. I've thought about how blessed I am to be here at this college, and that I'm double blessed that being here is one of life-long dreams. I consider the annoyance with having to take my sweatshirt on and off an extremely minor annoyance. I'm still feeling off.

I got right about 8 hours of sleep last night after a good 1 1/2 of cardio and abs, have had enough to eat, and am pretty much caught up in classes. I'm still feeling off.

 I'm still feeling off. Not bad, and I wouldn't call it a bad day, but an off day in not-a-positive direction. (Because sometimes, I have off days that are awesome!)

So it is what it is. I'll start paying attention to my psychology professor, keep being nice, keep being productive, keep praying and trying to be aware of the Holy Ghost, and stay open to all of the good out there for me, and all the good already around me.  For anyone else out there having a weird day, its not always your fault, and that's okay. It happens. I bet that when we're back into our swing, we'll both appreciate it even more.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Keep your chin up Grace! Something that occured to me that might help you is that when it comes to problems you are having, the Lord will ALWAYS help you. The question is how. You are loved and I have hot chocolate ready if you need it!
