Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Loosen Up!

Can you say, revaaaamp! Those of you who were with me "back in the day" (Translation-this spring. Ha.) know that I've changed some things around on this blog. Sometimes, I just like to shake things up. But this time, I have a more substantial reason!

To be honest, I have thought about this blog constantly since March. I go through phases where post ideas are just constantly running through my head, and I jot them down, and start writing posts in my head, and sometimes I even get to drafting them, and then. . . . I chicken out. I get frustrated. I'm not sure if it fits with my ultimate vision. So I decided to change the vision.

I hope this comes across as more down to earth! I want to be able to write about anything I want to, whether its a quick thought, I'm-so-blessed ramble, or serious, composed true confession, and feel like it still fits into some overarching theme. The only theme that all of those things fit under is. . . .me? So that's what this blog will be about now, instead of feeling like I have to tie everything back to the pros and cons of being a "nice girl". I'm hoping that as I just write what I'm passionate about and what I want you to read, some motifs will appear that I can turn into brand-able themes! Bear with me?

For now, I have a jazz dance test to practice for and a Book of Mormon paper to write. But I can't WAIT to share all of these ideas I've had spinning around in my head for months! What are some of these things you ask? Oh, I don't know. . . .keeping my room clean, the word "date",  the spotlight, openness to change, eating issues/addiction, learning styles, Christ, family, honesty vs. truth, bacon chocolate chip cookies (nope, I didn't forget a comma there), boys, girls, being transparent with other people, pearls, politics, neon,  perfectionism, projections of our internal realities, social pressure to NOT be beautiful. . . .nothing serious. Everything serious. In the words of my favorite shrunken head, "It's gonna be a bumpy ride!" (10 points to whomever can post in the comments what the reference is first! And I already gave you a hint. ;) )

P.S.-Yes, that list was a commitment. I will do post on every single one of those topics, so if an item didn't make sense to you? Don't worry! It will!

1 comment:

  1. For those of you wandering in that dark and dreary waste that is life without Harry Potter, know that there was a Harry Potter Reference and I just got ten points to Gryffindore!
