Saturday, October 27, 2012

Want to tick me off? Tell me life gets harder.

I noticed something today. It ticks me off when people say "Life is only going to get harder."
 And as is usual when something new comes my way, I begin to examine it and ask questions. 
And one question particularly struck me.

Why is that people always seems to say, "Life's only going to get harder?" at the exact moment when I'm feeling completely inadequate for what life is currently giving me?


Because you know what it feels like you're telling me? 

"You're screwed. If you can't handle what you've got now you might as well throw in the towel. You're just going to keep failing, and failing bigger."

Which no sane person would ever say to someone who's currently feeling wholly inadequate for the tasks at hand.

So why do people say "Life's only going to get harder?" People who I know love me and are trying to help?

Then a light bulb moment came. Its because they're missing half the point. Life's going to get harder, but I'm going to get stronger. I'm going to get better at trusting God. My faith will get better at overcoming my fear.

Life has gotten harder, but I have gotten stronger, and everything that goes along with that. I've been more hurt, I've felt more joy, I've carried more burdens and felt more carefree. 

So tell me life's hard. Tell me it will get harder. But remind me I'm strong enough, and will get stronger.

And if you choose to just say, "Life's going to get harder," you'd better believe I'll complete the thought for you.

Because I know you love me, and don't mean to say just say,
"Life gets harder."

Life gets harder, but I get stronger. 
More compassionate
More able to understand others
More able to help more people
More grateful.
More loving.
More faithful

Because I'm also going to keep getting more determined to let anything but the above happen.

Tell me that.


  1. Bravo Grace! People mean well when they say life get's harder, but the comment by itself is little comfort. I'm grateful you can see the bigger picture. Love you!

  2. I think people have a tendency to view their own problems and looking at you, a girl who seems to have it all together with nary a care in the world, and they think, what's she complaining about? But the truth is, everyone has issues they're struggling with, even if they're not readily visible. Love your take on that worn out statement. Maybe when you finish the statement (and I hope you really will), you'll be helping the person who said it to feel a little stronger as well in their own trials. Keep these ponder provoking posts coming!

  3. I really want to make it an automatic habit to finish the statement for them! Thanks so much for reading and commenting; it encourages me to write more that a 17-year old's ramblings can make even wonderful mom's like you think twice about something. :)
